Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Grum
Raum: Raum 2.11
Sprechzeit: nach Vereinbarung
Telefon: +49 (0)331/977-3232

M.Sc. Marcel Rojahn
Raum: Raum 3.02
Sprechzeit: nach Vereinbarung
Telefon: +49 (0)331/977-3436

M.Sc. Alexey Schegolev

M.Sc. Sascha Melcher

M.Sc. Simon Beckmann

B.Sc. Stanley Joel Gona
AI-related studies:
- AI Lecture and Exercise "Advanced AI-based Application Systems (AIBAS)" (state: running)

B.Sc. Tomas Kostadinov
AI-related studies:
- AI Master Thesis (state: running)
- AI Lecture and Exercise "KI-basierte Anwendungssysteme"
- AI Seminar "Natural Language Processing"
- AI Lecture and Exercise "Mobile and Digital Business: Artificial Intelligence in Deep-Learning Enterprises"
- AI Lecture and Exercise "Introduction to Machine Learning"

M.Sc. Suzanna Storozhenko
AI-related studies:
- AI Master Thesis
- AI Lecture and Exercise "Mobile and Digital Business: Artificial Intelligence in Deep-Learning Enterprises"
- AI Project "Moderne Anwendungen mit Künstlicher Intelligenz"

B.Sc. Thade Egenhoff
AI-related studies:
- AI Master Thesis (state: planning)
- AI Lecture and Exercise "KI-basierte Anwendungssysteme (KIBAS)"
- AI Seminar "Research Studies on Digital Transformation"
- AI Startup Course at HPI

B.Sc. Atakan Argat
AI-related studies:
- AI Master Thesis (state: running)
- AI Lecture and Exercise "KI-basierte Anwendungssysteme (KIBAS)"
- AI Seminar "Sustainabillity in AI-based Application Systems (SusI)" (state: running)
- AI Seminar "Research Studies on Digital Transformation"
- AI Project "AuA-Projekt - Studierendenprojekt zur Anwendung und Analyse KI-basierter Anwendungssysteme"

B.Sc. Tim Müller
AI-related studies:
- AI Master Thesis (state: running)
- AI Lecture and Exercise "Advanced AI-based Application Systems (AIBAS)" (state: running)
- AI Lecture and Exercise "KI-basierte Anwendungssysteme (KIBAS)"
- Lecture and Exercise "Mobile and Digital Business: AI in Deep-Learning Enterprises"
- Lecture and Exercise "Machine Learning I"
- AI Seminar "Sustainabillity in AI-based Application Systems (SusI)" (state: running)
- AI Project "AuA-Projekt - Studierendenprojekt zur Anwendung und Analyse KI-basierter Anwendungssysteme" (state: running)

B.Sc. Mahsa Saifi
AI-related studies:
- AI Master Thesis (state: running)
- AI Lecture and Exercise "Advanced AI-based Application Systems (AIBAS)" (state: running)
- AI Lecture and Exercise "KI-basierte Anwendungssysteme (KIBAS)"
- Lecture and Exercise "Mobile and Digital Business: AI in Deep-Learning Enterprises"
- Lecture and Exercise "Machine Learning I"
- AI Seminar "Sustainabillity in AI-based Application Systems (SusI)" (state: running)
- AI Project "AuA-Projekt - Studierendenprojekt zur Anwendung und Analyse KI-basierter Anwendungssysteme" (state: running)
- AI startup course at Hasso-Plattner-Institute (HPI)

B.Sc. Lasse Schilling
AI-related studies:
- AI Master Thesis (state: running)
- AI Lecture and Exercise "Advanced AI-based Application Systems (AIBAS)" (state: running)
- AI Lecture and Exercise "KI-basierte Anwendungssysteme (KIBAS)"
- Lecture and Exercise "Mobile and Digital Business: AI in Deep-Learning Enterprises"
- Lecture and Exercise "Machine Learning I"
- AI Seminar "Sustainabillity in AI-based Application Systems (SusI)" (state: running)
- AI Project "AuA-Projekt - Studierendenprojekt zur Anwendung und Analyse KI-basierter Anwendungssysteme" (state: running)
- AI Bachelor Thesis
- Big Data Systems
- Databricks Certified Data Engineer Associate
- Understanding Embeddings for Natural Language Processing

B.Sc. Roman Klinghammer
AI-related studies:
- AI Master Thesis (state: running)
- AI Lecture and Exercise "Advanced AI-based Application Systems (AIBAS)" (state: running)
- AI Seminar "Sustainabillity in AI-based Application Systems (SusI)" (state: running)
- AI Project "AuA-Projekt - Studierendenprojekt zur Anwendung und Analyse KI-basierter Anwendungssysteme" (state: running)

Ahmed Chabi
CEO Visplu GmbH

Thoralf Barth
Data Management at GVL – Gesellschaft zur Verwertung von Leistungsschutzrechten mbH