
Keynote Presentation at "Wirtschaft on Tour" of the "Präsensstelle Brandenburg"

Keynote Presentation at "Wirtschaft on Tour" of the "Präsensstelle Brandenburg"


In order to support the presence of the state of Brandenburg ("Präsensstelle Brandenburg") as an ambassador of the universities in rural Brandenburg and to build a bridge between the regional growth cores of Brandenburg and the state's science and research institutions, I gave a key-note presentation on the knowledge and technology transfer of AI for various types of application systems on 05.07.2024 as part of the “Wirtschaft on Tour” program.

The presentation was followed by a guided tour of the Industry 4.0 Center and my AI laboratory in the Digitalvilla at the University of Potsdam, and the integration of AI in the systems under consideration and making AI transparent using augmented reality were discussed. After each program item, there was an opportunity for discussion and questions from the audience.

This event was mostly attended by representatives from the chemical and industrial sectors part of the audience.

The presentation was titled "Potential of AI-based application systems in the factory" (DE: "Potenziale KI-Basierter Anwendungssysteme in der Fabrik").

The presentation will provide an overview of AI techniques and the current status of their application in an operational context. It was shown how complex correlations can be recognized and improvement potentials discovered by using AI building blocks. The presentation also showed effective approaches for creating and managing AI-based systems.


Universität Potsdam
Junior-Professur für Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. KI-basierte Anwendungssysteme
Digitalvilla am Hedy-Lamarr-Platz
Karl-Marx-Straße 67
14482 Potsdam

